Do you find it difficult to write a good blog post?
Do you believe that your blog posts are not compelling enough for your audience?
Are your blog posts not getting the attention they deserve?
Want to know how to write a good blog post that your audience and readers are looking for? Start by looking at what type of content your audience are interested in, and how you can incorporate those topics in your writing routine.
To write a good blog post, you certainly don't need to have a Ph.D. in that subject or topic. If you have done your research right, and have experience in the respective field, you qualify to share your thought about that subject.
The hard fact is this:
The best blog posts are the ones you wake up thinking about when the alarm goes off. They come deep down from your heart. They reflect your familiarity and experience with the subject. And most importantly they are easy to write as compared to a blog post that you layout.
These good blog posts helps you skyrocket the growth of your blog, but the sad part is that you can't write them every day.
These blog posts are greatly influenced by your experience, your personality, which helps you convert your audience into raving fans.
Writing compelling blog posts is hard for everyone. Bloggers or writer don't have easy to follow templates to “Write a good blog post”. But we do have one thing that will assure the success of every blog post you write: attention. If your blog post conveys the story to the audience in an engaging, and intriguing manner. You can definitely make some noise in your niche, and drive traffic.
That's why I wrote this blog post, it's a roadmap to help you write a good, attention grabbing content.
Our goal as a blogger is to make the content engaging, and informative, while getting the readers hooked for more content.
Okay, I know it sounds like building the whole house in one night kind of deal, but the truth is, it's not. Just follow the formula, advice below to write a good blog post, and you will be amazed with the result.
The Exact Steps I Follow to Write My Blog Posts:
Stage 1: Snatch & Save Phase
How do we write a good blog post? We all start with a blog post idea, topic, and then we elaborate that topic with our experience, knowledge, and adding personal stories.
That's a good way to write a blog post, but it lacks one thing, and that's assurity. Assuring that your audience would love the content you are putting together.
So, how do you add that assuring factor to your blog post?
Use Snatch & Save method!
- Search the core keyword you are targeting in Google
- Go through top 8 articles for that keyword
- Read them thoroughly, and write all the points, content pieces that got you hooked to reading.
- Note down the common points you have noticed in all the articles.
- Note down the number of times they have used the keyword
- How long each blog posts are? (The Word Count)
Put all this information in a document, I use Google Keep, or Notion.
Stage 2: Lay-outing The Complete Blog Posts
After you've completed the Snatch & Save process.
You will have a good understanding of what you need to cover and what is needed to create an engaging layout for the blog post.
Stage 3: The Title Or Headline
If you want to make sure people read your content, don't use a boring headline.
The goal of a headline is always to attract the attention of readers. Craft a headline that's informative and will capture readers’ attention, without being overly wordy or complicated.
Stage 4: Write The Blog Post In One Go
I prefer to write the first draft of my blog post in one sitting. Then forget about it for a few hours to get a new perspective before editing the blog post to create the final draft.
Stage 5: Make the post visually look appealing
I believe most visitors first scroll through the blog post to get the visual feel before they actually read the blog post.
And, no one like to read a blog that's not optimized and designed to give a better readability experience.
Use images, graphics and memes to enhance your blog post, add humor and explain complex topics easily.
Stage 6: Be The First Reader
Read your blog post out loud. Go through it with keen eyes to find aspects that you can improve to make it more engaging for the audience.
That's the exact flow I follow to write all my blog posts. But there's more that goes into writing a compelling blog post that will generate thousands of readers for you.
Here's the list of things that play an important role when it comes to writing a blog post that converts.

- Assign a goal to your blog post or write a blog post with a goal in mind
- Write short paragraphs, and avoid wordy sentences
- Use bullet points or lists
- Add a very clear call to action
- Setup blog post topic-specific promotion popups
- Include your main keyword and LSI keywords in your blog post
- Optimize your blog post for SEO
The above factors are crucial when it comes to writing a good blog post, getting it ranked in search engines for your targeted keyword.
So, how can you be certain that your blog post gets the attention it deserves, and help you grow your blog. Well, the formula is simple, first write a good blog post, and then optimize it for better ranking.
Let me explain each point that will help you optimize your blog post for better ranking.
There are a number of ways to write a great blog post. But I will concentrate on the weapon of choice for many, the above formula to create blog posts that gets the attention.
Assign A Goal To Your Content
How do you measure a success of any blog posts?
Is it based on how much traffic it brings? Or Is it based on the numbers of people who share or talk about your article?
If you believe those are the metrics that can measure the success of your blog post, you're completely wrong.
A success of blog post can only be measured when it's tied to a goal. The goal can be anything, to share your experience about a product to promote the product, or simply to get people join your list.
If your blog post is getting thousands of visitors, but it has no goal attached to it, then you're failing to monetize the traffic.
A good successful blog post has two key ingredients. A good goal oriented blog post and SEO optimization.
Just to let that sink in for a moment.
Yes, you read it right.
A good goal oriented blog post + optimization = rankings.
It’s the power of good content and SEO techniques.
Write short paragraphs, and avoid wordy sentences
If I were to ask what's the most important factor when it comes to writing a visually appealing blog post?
What would be your response?
I bet, you probably know that paragraph length can affect readability a lot. I’m talking about short paragraphs where the content is hard to digest, and long paragraphs that make your reader skim and lose interest.
Most visitors will lose interest if you write a blog post with too many long sentences or paragraphs.
If you look at some of the most successful blogs on the Internet, you may notice that they follow this rule very strictly. There each blog post is well constructed and looks visually appealing and entice people to read, while long paragraph makes the visitor feel burdened.
Most blog posts are easy to read because of the short paragraphs. It’s very unlikely for readers to get lost in a paragraph that’s only 2 or 3 sentences long.
There’s no fluff or unnecessary filler words. Readers want it short and sweet, and short paragraphs and sentences offer just that.
The other thing to take into consideration is your use of connectors. The shorter your sentences, the better for these connectors.
Write shorter paragraph, a simple but effective formula to write a good blog post.
Use bullet points or lists
Have you ever read a blog post that made your eyes glaze over?
It could be the quality of the writing, or the visual appeal of the blog post. One common mistake bloggers make is to include complex topics or detail in one paragraph. Often, this simply makes readers lose interest. To fix this, you need to break your content into clear and simple points.
As a blogger, you know how important it is to keep your blog posts interesting, simple, and engaging.
Simplifying your blog post helps you accomplish exactly that.
Add a very clear call to action
A compelling blog post has to be complete with a great headline, well written content and an equally amazing call to action. However, even the best blog posts can be wasted if you don’t use assign a right call to action.
Every blog post should have an objective that it's trying to achieve.
You never shoot an arrow blindly.
The call to action can be relevant to the overall goal of your blog. If you want to sell products, promote any program, or simply want them to subscribe your blog. Assign a sensible objective, goal to your blog post.
That's the simplest strategy to grow your blog and establish authority in the niche.
Setup blog post topic specific promotion popups
By now it's quite clear that popups convert.
You wrote an amazing blog post and getting a good amount of traffic.
What could you do to boost your results, or get better conversion?
The answer is simple! Setup blog post specific popup.
If your blog post talks about, “How you can write a great blog post?” Setting up a relevant popup would help you increase your conversion rate drastically.
You will see an amazing spike in people who will subscribe to your blog.
Include your main keyword and LSI keywords in your blog post
The majority of bloggers concentrate on the main keyword too much and end up neglecting the relevant LSI keywords.
LSI keywords raise the chances of ranking your blog post in search engines to a good extent.
Search engine understands the intent behind every search query to an extent that can be terrifying. It understands the user's query and the type of information they're looking for, and what kind of results they should get back.
LSI keywords helps search engine understand the content intent more clearly and that's what going to help you rank better in search engine.
Optimize your blog post for SEO
Stop for a minute and think about the blog post you just wrote.
You made it clear, engaging, and actionable, but what's the use of writing it, if users can't find it in search.
You can't just expect your blog post to rank in Search Engine on its own. Optimizing your blog post, doing basic SEO is a crucial part of creating a blog post that will provide return on your effort.
Just like you can't clap with one hand, you can't expect your content to rank in search engine because it's a high quality content. That's never going to happen! You'd need to optimize your blog post for search engines.
Optimize your blog post by following these tips:
1- Include your main keyword in First Paragraph
2- Use your main keyword in Sub Headings Of Your Blog Post
3- Use relevant & LSI keywords in your blog post
4- Interlink your blogs posts
5- Focus on at least 1 long tail keyword in your blog post
6- Share your blog post to social & bookmarking platforms to get Social Signals
7- Use good, optimized images in your blog post
8- Write alt tag for each image you have used in your blog post
9- Keep your blog post URL short and simple (Hack: Use your main keyword as your blog post URL.)

Good blog posts typically based on well-researched topics and well-written content with a focus on the audience's interests and needs.
Of course, it is not easy to write a good blog post with high quality. It needs time and patience.
Most bloggers find it difficult to write a good blog post. However, if you follow the recipe, you can write a great blog post.
1- Snatch & Save :
Search the main keyword or topic in google and go through the top 8 blog posts.
Read them thoroughly, and note down the points, ideas, that gets your attention most, because you need to write your blog post based on these points.
2- Write A Good Blog Post Title:
The blog post's title is like a hook that needs to be able to capture the readers' attention, and convey the complete blog post.
3- Layout Your Blog Post:
Make sure that your blog post is aesthetically appealing, and entice visitors, because first thing a visitor do is scroll through the blog post.
4- Write Your Blog Post In One Go
Don't get trapped in the blank page syndrome, just write your blog post in one sit.
5- Make Your Blog Post Visually Appealing
Use images and graphics to make your blog post look visually appealing.
6- Be The First Reader And Edit Your Blog Post
Go through your blog posts first draft after a short break and edit it to make it clear, engaging, and compelling.
7- Optimize Your Blog Post
In order to make sure that your blog post reaches readers, you need to make sure that your blog post is optimized.
Follow the above recipe to write a good blog post, and you'll have better chances of getting your blog post ranked in search engines.
How do you write your blog post?
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